Green Burial Options

We are pleased to offer Green Burial Options to residents of Massachusetts.

We are pleased to offer Green Burial Options to residents of Massachusetts. A natural burial is a burial that is conducted without the use of a vault or liner, and without the use of any chemicals or embalming fluids. The body is simply wrapped in a natural fiber shroud or placed in a simple wood casket and buried in the ground.

Green burial can be fulfilled in any cemetery that allows the casket, receptacle or shroud to be lowered directly into the earth, not into a grave vault. To find out if your cemetery will allow for Green burial, it's as simple as asking them or having us inquire for you.

Locally, Wildwood Cemetery in Amherst, Mountain Street Cemetery in Haydenville, Chesterfield and Ireland Street Cemetery in Chesterfield, and Mount Auburn Cemetery in Cambridge offer Green Burial in their cemeteries. We can facilitate a burial wherever you choose. Public visitations and services in our funeral home, home wakes, church funerals and graveside services are options we can arrange for you within the time frame that a green funeral allows.

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